Very nice game! I revisited it a few times now, and today I officially solved it. Here is how it's done easily:
faces: All cards cost 1 Pierce cards bounce Bounce cards pierce Additional bullet per shot
Then I had 2 "refill energy cards", so I could spam, and 3 of the "4 piercing shots" card. Every time I pressed it just cleared the whole board.
For the second half of my game I got a legendary card "add one bullet every time you shoot". I combined this with "next shot bounces" and "next shot is a bomb".
I created a wall of explosion and made it to wave 60 before the lag got problematic :)
I played the "+1 bullet each time played" like 100 times because I hade 2 refill energy and all other free cards so it shot for sooo long and I got to wave 34 then I got bored and stopped
I think one thing I'd change, aside from balancing, is so that, when spending a card in a "slot", the new card is inserted into the free "slot", not to the left. Really confusing and leads to me using a lot of unwanted (at the moment cards) If that was intended tho, well, it certainly works XD
Next Attack Shoots Love (Rare buff from locked card)
Double Attack
9 Shots
Any Free Card
Once your deck is like that, forget about the other 3 cards in the left, put your mouse in the middle of the screen , and just hit the R key 5 times every time the enemies go past the half way on your screen.
The double 9 shots will turn 99% of the enemies on screen to friendly and any ones left would get absolutely demolished by others.
I love this! Simple and addictive. After many tries, I reached an undefeatable state with this combo: 1-2x Shoot 6 bouncing bullets 1-2x Next attack shoots twice 1x Refill energy to full 1-2x Stop enemies for 2 seconds ... The rest of the deck padded with 0- or 1-cost cards + Bouncing attacks pierce + Regenerate hearts + Pick from 4 cards I could manipulate my hand so that I could just hammer a single key and cycle through my deck as fast as I wanted, wiping all enemies from the screen while they were frozen in place! Very satisfying to pull off.
I bet you'll still need hearts. No seriously I am dead in this position, and this is a soft-lock, however this is more entertaining the other soft-lock I found (If you start a match fast enough after you die or open the game the first wave just won't spawn).
The bug that happened right after I lost at lv 3, and pressing restart was just an endless shooting with no stops, no trading cards, my character didn't even show up or get injured :))
I just got to level 52 (after about 5 tries of getting stuck on levels 4 and 9) and I have a couple things to say:
1. HOLY COW did I enjoy playing this game!!!! It's super simple, and yet, incredibly fun to play!! Very well done to the developers and person/people behind this game! I loved playing, and look forward to future games and updates from you!!!
2. I would've loved to see what round/level I was on while playing the game. Even if it just said Lvl 3. in one of the top corners or near the bottom... by level 40, I could've sworn that I was at 100 😂.
3. I really enjoyed all of the powers/cards and I loved being able to select between adding health or refilling energy or shooting more... I thought that it gave a good amount of variation to the deck, and I enjoyed that. I would've loved to see more variation in the hordes of enemies. Maybe when you get past certain rounds, make some of the enemies slightly faster, or bigger/take more hits to kill, maybe some that take a different path to get to me so I have to do a better job aiming or some that are able to dodge bullets... I'm just throwing some ideas out there, maybe color code them so I can tell which ones are which? Still really enjoyed everything, but would love to see some more variation in enemies to make it slightly harder, because I definitely could have kept going at 52, but decided to stop.
4. Couldn't agree more with @Pustman. Would love to listen to some retro music or maybe even just some lofi... not sure if what vibe you're looking for in the game music-wise, but there were a couple times where it just felt weird sitting in silence (especially when using the freezes.)
5. Once again, I REALLY enjoyed playing this game!! Thank you very much for giving me something to do for the past hour or so! I had a lot of fun and I hope the feedback is helpful!
6. (For the gamers): Eventually, after getting stuck at level 4, 7, and 9, what got me to level 52 was choosing to heal, prioritizing cards with a cheaper cost, and having at least one freeze and recharge card on hand at all times... admittedly, having more than one freeze is OP and isn't as fun because you have to wait for the time to pass, but by round 45 or so, I was just able to keep my one freeze in the Q spot, and just spam the other three keys... that way, the enemies were still coming, but I could just mow them down...
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Very nice game! I revisited it a few times now, and today I officially solved it. Here is how it's done easily:
All cards cost 1
Pierce cards bounce
Bounce cards pierce
Additional bullet per shot
Then I had 2 "refill energy cards", so I could spam, and 3 of the "4 piercing shots" card. Every time I pressed it just cleared the whole board.
For the second half of my game I got a legendary card "add one bullet every time you shoot". I combined this with "next shot bounces" and "next shot is a bomb".
I created a wall of explosion and made it to wave 60 before the lag got problematic :)
i just got an unbeatable run using freeze, next shot bounces, shoot one bullet twice and shoot as many times as it has been played.
also had the bouncing shots pierce perk.
gave me a perma laser beam straight down the middle xD
got to a point where i had 4 free cards which gave me enough time to create and login to an account xD
although this meant that i didnt see what round i got to :(
Great game, would love to play more.
Maybe it could have more variety like parameters which limit what cards you can use to be more interesting like "no piercing" or "no love."
Maybe a stats screen after you die could show which cards you used through the whole run, and which one you used the most, these are just ideas tho.
i suck damn
only went up to level 2
I played the "+1 bullet each time played" like 100 times because I hade 2 refill energy and all other free cards so it shot for sooo long and I got to wave 34 then I got bored and stopped
Awesome game, if you want to keep working on it I would love to help out of pure spite for the one dev releasing a copy on steam.
sooooo good please update and this is my high score
I cant get past 6 :( Amazing game tho.
I got 4 lock items in a row what is dis luck?
What the hell i was just spamming and no enemys are going through WHO ATE MAH ENEMYS
You were spamming ice right? If so that's your problem
I think one thing I'd change, aside from balancing, is so that, when spending a card in a "slot", the new card is inserted into the free "slot", not to the left. Really confusing and leads to me using a lot of unwanted (at the moment cards)
If that was intended tho, well, it certainly works XD
So fun and addictive, but needs endgame content. Is easy to survive forever.
love it
This is a fantastic game and I had a lot of fun playing it
found a bug, when I died and re-spawned it spawned me back at the previous life and I could die
4 freeze and one bounce bounefit,All cost's crazy.
Very fun, pretty, hard game. I love the art for this
lovely, lovely game!!
Which engine did you use?
Cool game
Found the Invincible Build
Required Perks:
Bouncing Bullet Pierces
Love Last 2x
Optional Perks:
Choose from 4 cards
Cards (In Activation Order):
Bounce Buff
Next Attack Shoots Love (Rare buff from locked card)
Double Attack
9 Shots
Any Free Card
Once your deck is like that, forget about the other 3 cards in the left, put your mouse in the middle of the screen , and just hit the R key 5 times every time the enemies go past the half way on your screen.
The double 9 shots will turn 99% of the enemies on screen to friendly and any ones left would get absolutely demolished by others.
nice game , good job!
don't think I ever left a comment but I always enjoyed this, nice and simple. I'm a fan of your work!
I love this! Simple and addictive. After many tries, I reached an undefeatable state with this combo:
1-2x Shoot 6 bouncing bullets
1-2x Next attack shoots twice
1x Refill energy to full
1-2x Stop enemies for 2 seconds
... The rest of the deck padded with 0- or 1-cost cards
+ Bouncing attacks pierce
+ Regenerate hearts
+ Pick from 4 cards
I could manipulate my hand so that I could just hammer a single key and cycle through my deck as fast as I wanted, wiping all enemies from the screen while they were frozen in place! Very satisfying to pull off.
I got so powerful I broke the game
I had 3 freeze one bounce cards, all free and I spammed them so hard enemies stopped spawning
what do i win?
My upvote, and respect.
Amazing game!
The graphics fit it so well and the gameplay while simple, is complex! Great work on this cohesive piece!
I bet you'll still need hearts. No seriously I am dead in this position, and this is a soft-lock, however this is more entertaining the other soft-lock I found (If you start a match fast enough after you die or open the game the first wave just won't spawn).
Dose it lag?
Sort of a bug: I temperately froze the game by spamming the 2 second freeze card. I believe that is since the frozen time stacks. Remove the stack!
The bug that happened right after I lost at lv 3, and pressing restart was just an endless shooting with no stops, no trading cards, my character didn't even show up or get injured :))
I just got to level 52 (after about 5 tries of getting stuck on levels 4 and 9) and I have a couple things to say:
1. HOLY COW did I enjoy playing this game!!!! It's super simple, and yet, incredibly fun to play!! Very well done to the developers and person/people behind this game! I loved playing, and look forward to future games and updates from you!!!
2. I would've loved to see what round/level I was on while playing the game. Even if it just said Lvl 3. in one of the top corners or near the bottom... by level 40, I could've sworn that I was at 100 😂.
3. I really enjoyed all of the powers/cards and I loved being able to select between adding health or refilling energy or shooting more... I thought that it gave a good amount of variation to the deck, and I enjoyed that. I would've loved to see more variation in the hordes of enemies. Maybe when you get past certain rounds, make some of the enemies slightly faster, or bigger/take more hits to kill, maybe some that take a different path to get to me so I have to do a better job aiming or some that are able to dodge bullets... I'm just throwing some ideas out there, maybe color code them so I can tell which ones are which? Still really enjoyed everything, but would love to see some more variation in enemies to make it slightly harder, because I definitely could have kept going at 52, but decided to stop.
4. Couldn't agree more with @Pustman. Would love to listen to some retro music or maybe even just some lofi... not sure if what vibe you're looking for in the game music-wise, but there were a couple times where it just felt weird sitting in silence (especially when using the freezes.)
5. Once again, I REALLY enjoyed playing this game!! Thank you very much for giving me something to do for the past hour or so! I had a lot of fun and I hope the feedback is helpful!
6. (For the gamers): Eventually, after getting stuck at level 4, 7, and 9, what got me to level 52 was choosing to heal, prioritizing cards with a cheaper cost, and having at least one freeze and recharge card on hand at all times... admittedly, having more than one freeze is OP and isn't as fun because you have to wait for the time to pass, but by round 45 or so, I was just able to keep my one freeze in the Q spot, and just spam the other three keys... that way, the enemies were still coming, but I could just mow them down...
lv7 is about where i'm stuck
Simple, cute & fun
Your games are short and great, but they are missing some music. you can contact me if you need some
Very immersive, simple mechanics, but very fun and addictive.
love this one
Had to stop cause the game was lagging. Great game!